ICT Policy Issues
In education, ICT were formally use to teaching and learning practices. It increases on teachers, equity, and issues around data and privacy of the students. To take also with the different forms of polices, the way they fotmulated it and where they anchored it to typically complicates ICT education policies. It is important to framework basis the policy intentions, so that aftermath it will effective both benefactors - teachers and students. In additio with, policy makers were strongly find useful means to overcome the future policy inclusions. Accordingly, there are eight (8) policy themes could be possibly use in educational technology: 1. Vision and planning 2. ICT infrastractures 3. Teachers 4. Skills and competencies 5. Learning resources 6. EMIS 7. Monitoring and evaluation 8. Equity, inclusions, and safety Furthermore, ICT policies covers the parameter of increasing of accessibility towards basic education, using ICT as one of the major tools for learning, te